Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the Soulja Boy Dating Ohne Grenzen. Hyperion offers both CDs, and downloads in a number of formats. The site is also available in several languages. Please use the dropdown buttons to set your preferred options, or use the checkbox to accept the defaults. Something of a personal journey for Christopher Purves, this is a programme that will raise a smile of appreciation from every listener. Strauss composed six songs to the poetry of Otto Julius Bierbaum, the writer of popular verse who, with Wolzogen and Wedekind, founded the Überbrettl cabaret in Berlin at the turn of the century. Max Reger, who composed many of the same texts that Strauss set, made a solo piano arrangement of the song. The eeriness of this neglected masterpiece for basso profundo is wonderfully captured in the final bars, when the voice descends to a low D, before the final ppp chords bring this sepulchral song to a close. Hans Pfitzner was also inspired by Conrad Ferdinand Meyer in the four songs of his Opus 32, which opens with Hussens Kerker that is more dramatic monologue than lyrical song. Jan Hus, condemned to die at the stake, looks from the window of his prison onto the beautiful world outside. As the accompaniment plays its dense, organ-like chords, Hus, at one with his God-decreed fate, speaks with calm resignation of his readiness to die. His vision of the Saviour is accompanied by a flute-like melody. There is a precious recording of the song, dating fromby Gerhard Hüsch with the composer himself at the piano. It is presented here as the first of three new sets of orchestrations on this recording. See Performance Note for information on the arrangement. He committed suicide inafter a failed attempt inby hurling himself from a third-floor window of the office where he worked. Schubert set the poetry of Ludwig Hölty no fewer than 23 times and the earliest of these songs is Totengräberliedcomposed in January Schumann composed four collections of Romanzen und Balladen for solo voice: Opp 45, 49, 53 and 64, all comprising three songs and all written inexcept for the final set. Op 45 begins with Der Schatzgräber Eichendorff. This neglected masterpiece describes a man delving for treasure, and Schumann, in an expressive opening scale passage, suggests the furious sound of the spade digging deep into the earth. The digging goes on, and, when the gold is glimpsed, G minor turns to gentler F sharp minor. Not for long: the digging continues and falling rocks crash down on the helpless treasure-seeker. Frühlingsfahrt Eichendorffwhich deals with the fate of two contrasting travellers one settles down to a domestic life of bliss, the other pursues a life of adventuremust have appealed to Schumann, who consciously divided his own personality into the polarised characters of Florestan and Eusebius. With the rise of the Nazis, Hanns Eisler fled Germany and began his life Soulja Boy Dating Ohne Grenzen exile, ending up in Los Angeles, like a great number of other German intellectuals, including Otto Klemperer, Bruno Walter, Arnold Schoenberg, Max Reinhardt, Fritz Lang, Alfred Döblin, Thomas and Heinrich Mann, Franz Werfel and Bertolt Brecht. It was during the early thirties that he began to work with Brecht—a collaboration which yielded some Lieder and cabaret songs. Their collaboration climaxed in the Hollywood Songbooka collection of 46 songs of which 28 were to poems by Brecht, 6 by Hölderlin, 5 by Mörike, 2 by Pascal, one from the Bible and one each by Goethe, Eichendorff, Eisler and Berthold Soulja Boy Dating Ohne Grenzen. This multi-faceted collection contains poems that deal with such themes as exile, suffering, evil, hope, courage in adversity, poetry, suicide. Im Vertrauen auf eine solche sind diese Stücke geschrieben. These pieces have been written with such a society in mind. L'automne californien sets a poem by Berthold Viertel, in which the poet looks ahead to a future of peace in the world and a return from his American emigration, where the warm climate makes possible the cultivation of figs, to Germany, where the vine flourishes. The Soulja Boy Dating Ohne Grenzen for many of the poems was oral, but the editors made frequent amendments in accordance with their own tastes. The poems have a childlike naivety but often enshrine profound wisdom in their unpolished, unpretentious verses. He spent much of his childhood in the Moravian garrison town of Jihlava, and it is reliably reported that as a young boy he knew hundreds of military tunes by heart. As the boy goes to his death, military drum-rolls ring out in the accompaniment. All the poems are by Brecht and all are aggressively anti-militaristic. Alles, was ich euch sagte is the penultimate movement of the piece that was originally scored for three solo voices—changed later to two solo voices and male chorus. The final aria of the Requiem had fast become a love of mine, and the idea of a recording with my old College began to form. I discussed with the brilliant composer Gerard McBurney the possibility of creating a new version of the Weill for smaller forces, to create a smaller, more intimate arrangement of that beautiful aria, and discussions quickly grew to involve another talented composer, Bertie Baigent, and the possibility of the Bach and three Hans Eisler songs that would suit the same orchestration. I have never been as moved as when I listened back to the first Bach recording: every element is so movingly portrayed by the players. While it was difficult to imagine what we were creating, it is without doubt everything I could have wished for and more.
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