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Es gibt viele gute Vorschläge. Ringrazio da questo punto di vista il Presidente Tajani per i provvedimenti presi nei confronti del deputato interessato nella giornata di oggi. Anette Hartmann-Warnken Seite 26 und Praxis Dr. So this policy is not a success story, and that is why she said that we must step in. As we know, antibiotic resistance is one of the most serious public health risks facing our world today. We are talking about access to contraception here.
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Dr. Iwona Bartoszewicz (Uniwersytet Wrocławski). Haben Sie Fragen zu Schwangerschaft, Sexualität, Partnerschaft oder Eltern-sein? Igualdade de tratamento entre. Dr. Leszek Berezowski (Uniwersytet Wrocławski). Igualdade entre mulheres e homens na UE em (A/ - Ernest Urtasun) (votação). Gutachter / Reviewers: Prof. Prof. Ihre Rechte. Bei pro familia erhalten Sie professionelle, vertrauliche Beratung. Der vorliegende Band basiert auf den Ergebnissen der vom Zentrum für trans- disziplinäre Geschlechterstudien (ZtG) an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.But maybe I would rather address the citizens of the European Union, who should understand that the agenda of the so-called populist parties is not just about nationalism, anti-EU or national sovereignty; it is also very much about sexism and misogyny. This means comprehensive impact assessment, sound data and agreed methodologies. We have learned our lessons from the current waste legislation, which does not offer methodological clarity at all. That is thanks to the work of this Parliament. Är det rimligt? And given that we are going to vote on food waste, maybe this is an issue that needs to be looked at. We are the strongest actor in the world, and we have to make sure that we impose the standards and do not accept. At the same time, the Commission regrets that some parts of the original proposal were not supported by the Parliament and the Council— in particular concerning semi-automatic firearms where the Commission had proposed a greater level of ambition with a complete ban of the most dangerous semi-automatic firearms, including all semi-automatic firearms of the AK47 or AR15 families. Veel van die grondstoffen dreigen op relatief korte termijn uitgeput te raken. Mi spiego: produrre meno rifiuti significa aver messo in moto a monte tutte quelle innovazioni di processi produttivi, di prodotti, di modelli di business che ci dicono in che misura stiamo procedendo verso un sistema di economia circolare. The Commission would have liked to go further, but recognises that the co-legislators did not support going further. This because you have written to tell them that Europe is going to take away their guns, but, if you read what we are voting on, you will see that every legal owner can continue to own their guns provided that their Member States agree. Ik heb vanmorgen gehoord dat velen, inclusief de Europese Commissie, hebben benadrukt hoe belangrijk de economische voordelen van die circulaire economie zijn. But, over the past 18 months, I have worked with colleagues across this Parliament and many different stakeholders, as well as law enforcement authorities, proof houses and legal experts, in order to protect the interests of legitimate owners whilst also addressing the security issues. Die legalen Waffenbesitzer werden mit dieser Richtlinie unter Generalverdacht gestellt. Eigenlijk zouden we niet meer moeten spreken over afvalwetgeving, maar over kringloopwetgeving. Just another question: have you ever imagined what would happen if you were able to get pregnant and you did not want to become pregnant? Dat is de fundamentele voorwaarde voor de echte overgang om van Europa een circulaire economie te maken. That means cracking down on the trade in illegal weapons, but it also means strengthening controls on legally held firearms where there are gaps and vulnerabilities. There are provisions to support younger owners and for those in rural areas. Non ci dobbiamo nascondere che abbiamo davanti una sfida che richiede un cambio profondo di paradigma e il coinvolgimento di tutti gli attori, non solo gli istituzionali ma anche le imprese e consumatori. We will see improved conditions for authorisation requirements and safe storage. It is crucial that investment choices are taken so that they facilitate moving up the waste hierarchy. Written Declarations of the Commission on the. Approximately USD million could be lost.